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Paper shiny Россия

Ever seen a sheet of paper that glistens in light? Perhaps you saw a pretty card that appears to have little sparkles all over it. Or maybe you spotted a shiny book cover and thought yep I want that one. The beauty of Shunho shiny голографическая серебряная бумага. It just makes everything sound so much sexier and more exceptional.

    Embrace the elegance of paper with a dazzling shine.

    At Shunho, we know how much shiny paper means to us. Goes on the way you can really see it glisten and shimmer in front regarding your family. So many ways to use it, fun and creative! You can create beautiful party invitations, creative book covers and colorful posters or pretty gift wrapping. Shiny голографическая бумага gives it this extra oomph to make your projects just a little more beautiful and impressive.

    Why choose Shunho Paper shiny?

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