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Metallisiertes Etikettenpapier

You know some products have that shelf appeal, other lined them up like blah bland at a low command? Part of that is the packaging and branding. Of course, packaging is matter a lot. Also just an attractive side note for different sellers is using our shiny label paper, because it makes your product shine and looks bright, catches their eyes. To put it in layman terms, products Shunho Transfermetallisiertes Papier label with glossy paper for a nice touch to make your product stand out.

Shine Bright with Metallized Label Paper

Shiny Labels — If you need the light to catch onto your product and make it gleam like a dashing beautiful gemstone, then shiny labels are for you. This provides a bright, colour rich and generally attention-grabbing look on the shiny surface of this paper. It is a good choice for high-end brands to display luxury and quality Shunho shiny label paper, so that products are as bright as stars in the light of day, never showing their face before others. Then it makes it seem that your product is some what unique from others.

Why choose Shunho Metallized label paper?

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