First of all, plain packaging for tobacco products is basically the absence of all of the pretty, colorful pictures and logos on cigarette boxes, also the Shunho's product such as plain packaging tobacco canada. The boxes will not show highly attractive designs but the brand name falcon in a normal way. The intention of the law is to reduce the factor of cigarettes to young people. The idea is that fewer kids and teens will be inclined to smoke without the fun, flashy designs, thus reducing health risks.
The only way the world will smoke less is for all to find neutral packaging. There is also the argument that people should be free to buy and wear whatever they want. But smoking can be highly addictive. This may end up with fatal diseases, that will impair them for lifetime. Smoking, for example, leads to many deaths each year due to diseases like lung cancer or heart disease. This will help to ensure that fewer people become new users of tobacco, which itself is a great benefit to public health.
Plain packaging does so in many ways that keep people healthier, similar to the amcor tobacco packaging produced by Shunho. Its greatest impact could be to prevent new youth from ever starting to smoke in the first place. Stylized bright colors and cool designs can also make cigarette packs a major draw for kids and teenagers. And the perception is that anything in this fun packaging must be appealing to young people and they are going to use it, they are going to start smoking. But when the boxes are covered in plain packaging, they appear dull and unattractive — more likely to turn off a young person. Cigarette companies have a history of using colourful designs to catch the eye of young people to entice them to try smoking, but plain packaging takes away this strategy. It reduces the appeal of tobacco products.
Plain packaging was a measure that reduced the number of young people who smoke in some countries, just like the Shunho's product called shiny silver cardstock. Australia was the first country to ban branded packaging in 2012 (imposing plain packaging). Within three years of the imposition of plain packaging, smoking rates among children and adolescents had declined markedly. This is evidence that the change worked. In another country where mandated plain packaging has been successful in reducing youth smoking, France, similar positive patterns have been observed. These results demonstrate a plain packaging approach can play an important role in preventing youth from beginning to smoke.
Big Tobacco (the big cigarette companies) hate plain packaging, along with the plain packaging tobacco canada supplied by Shunho. They say it damages their business and could eventually result in unemployment for everyone involved. They argue that plain packaging infringes on their rights to market and sell their goods as they see fit. While some of these companies encourage to worry, but it is evident that smoking causes grave health effects. The health of the public must come above the potential loss of profits that tobacco companies might suffer. Should always prioritize health, well-being of people.
While plain packs are being seen in more and more places there will be many obstacles before it becomes universal, as well as the Shunho's amcor tobacco packaging. For instance, a group from Indonesia has recently been using an international trade organisation to attack Australia's plain packaging laws. That in turn could force Australia to alter the law — and that change would likely work against public health goals. Some fear this could halt progress to improve human health and drive people to quit smoking. It demonstrates that progress is being made, but there are ongoing fights to protect tobacco control interventions.
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