Thinking about your favorite snack or toy; have you ever wondered what happens to the packages after they are tossed away? You would be shocked to know that a large percentage of these packages end up at trash dumps, or landfills. However, they do not degrade for a long time sometimes even over hundreds of years. That is the reason environment-friendly packaging has evolved to become relevant in today's world. Everyone should care about companies that are using less harsh, wasteful materials and making eco-friendly packaging.
In and among more distanced hygiene precautions, companies have been substituting packaging of plants. Examples are bamboo, paper or cornstarch. That is fantastic for the earth since this material composts more simply compared to regular packaging because it ends up in fewer trash yards. Big businesses are getting on board here as well, for example the infamous McDonald's has started using eco-friendly material with their straws and lids.
A number of companies are now finding new ways to replace the old packaging that would pollute countless locales, and other sites that damage our planet. My favourite so far is Lush who uses recycled materials for their packaging. Some companies are going all-in by selling no packaging whatsoever! A good example of this is the fact that even their shampoo bars are only wrapped in a simple paper label, creating less waste.
The Better Packaging Co is another using innovation in their company through creating baggies made from plants that can breaks down within months. That means less of an impact on the environment when they do end up in landfill. Additionally, many companies are embracing resealable packaging to keep your food fresher longer which can help you waste less.
The popularity of biodegradable packaging has indeed soared in the space instead or regular traditional content. They, breaking down naturally and not harming environment makes biodegradable packaging unique. Coca-Cola updates that they finally adopted the use of bio bottles with a content of 100% plants. They have announced an ambition for all of their packaging to be derived from recycled or renewable sources as well. Not to mention it is also great for the planet as a whole — less plastic waste, and that means fewer emissions!
One of the smarter ideas is also by a company named Loop. They are partnering with the biggest of brands to develop reusable pots that you could use again and again for everyday items such as ice cream, laundry detergent or even toothpaste. This cuts down on the waste because it allows to you reuse containers over and over instead of tossing them out after one use. Ok, this is a clear way to save resources and for preparing the environment.
We ought to put a great amount of care into our eco-friendly packaging; which helps preserve the health of our planet. Our landfills are crowded and provide a lot of pollution to our air and water. Green packaging is an environmentally sound approach to the waste that becomes deposited in these landfills, and can remain there for thousands of years before it breaks down. We can use good/premium packaging material, which is easy on the Earth and help to save mother nature (carbon footprint -our Activities impact in terms of environment).