Canada is radically altering what its cigarette boxes look like. The government policy is to tell people not to smoke because it can kill them. To achieve that, they changed the packages. In this article, I will be discussing a little on the new cigarette packaging done in Canada and why it matters as well.
Canada's new cigarette boxes: putting people off smoking They have large scary pictures on the front that display what many long term smokers end up looking like This includes photographs of real people very ill because they smoked and some even dying from their illness. The packages also feature text like “smoking causes lung cancer. " The images and text are designed to challenge people's perceptions of smoking. This is done to get people informed with the message that smoking kills.
In Canada, a large portion of the cigarette box is now reserved for big warning signs. The government just wanted to remind everyone how terrible smoking is. Which is why they posted big, bold warnings that were impossible to miss. Now three-quarters of the box is dominated by a new graphic warning. This makes the images pretty massive and hard to ignore as authorities look for ways to drive home just how bad smoking is so that people are less likely smoke. The government says that having such a strong warning will make people think again before they light up.
Cigarette packaging in Canada looks nothing like what it used to. The government required the packages to have a modern look and feel. These arranged the boxes to be very clean and gentle — left them simple in colors & shapes. There are less words in the new packaging than on the old design — and a lot of them big warnings. The theory is that the new appearance will be much more likely to catch your eye and make you consider how harmful cigarettes can actually be. Maybe people will give more credit to the warnings if it comes in different / new packaging.
A lot of people have some strong feels about the new Canadian cigarette packaging. This people consider it is a great idea, because they believe that young and adult population will be less willing to smoke. They feel that if people see how harmful it is to smoke because of seeing all the graphic pictures and warnings, they will stop smoking. However, some consumers actually dislike new boxes being a little too plain, and uninspiring. The new package is less flashy or appealing compared to the old one which may cause some people continue buying packs of cigarettes. There is also [a worry] that the new look wouldn't be 'strong enough as before' or have 'pick me up factor[] for passing traffic and people.
People who sell cigarettes in Canada are also seeing some hardship as a result of the new packaging regulations. Now they can no longer use the old packaging so all over has to be shifted using new boxes. It is so expensive for them to do that because they have to buy all new stock. It is feared this new way of marketing would make it more difficult for smokers to get their hands on cigarettes. They believe that, if the new can design falls flat with customers, they may have no interest in buying cigarettes at all. This could clobber cigarette sellers, who might not be able to stay in business with tobacco sales down by this much.